Aqua Club Level 8

  1. Demonstrate the effective use of a pace-clock to manage turn-around time, target time and rest time.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of stroke count and identify personal stroke count for each of the four competitive strokes.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of a warm up and cool down and explain the importance within a competitive training environment.
  4. Swim 50m butterfly, starting from the block, with up to 15m undulation, legal turn and effective pull-out.
  5. Swim 50m backstroke, demonstrating an effective start, including tumbleturn and up to 15m underwater undulation with pull-out.
  6. Swim 50m breaststroke, starting from the block, including legal turn, underwater action and effective pull-out.
  7. Swim 50m frontcrawl, starting from the block, including tumbleturn and up to 15m underwater undulation with pull-out.