Demonstrate 5m dolphin action in a streamlined position.
Demonstrate 5m flutter kick on back in a streamlined position.
Demonstrate one breaststroke leg action in a streamlined position on back.
Demonstrate 5m flutter kick on front in a streamlined position.
On back, rotate up to 90° on each side, with arms by side for 5m whilst kicking.
Perform a surface dive to retrieve an object.
Push and pull the water to complete one vertical rotation clockwise and one anticlockwise with legs in tucked position.
Scull 5m on back, head first utilizing a figure of 8 action to move backwards, with arms by side.
Demonstrate a sitting dive.
Tread water, using arms and legs for 30 seconds whilst calling for help, receive an aid and maintain a floating position with the aid for a further 60 seconds.
Level 4
Demonstrate 10m dolphin action in a streamlined position.
Demonstrate 10m flutter kick on back in a streamlined position.
Demonstrate five consecutive breaststroke leg actions in a streamlined position.
Demonstrate 10m flutter kick on front in a streamlined position.
Demonstrate one butterfly arm action in horizontal position.
Demonstrate backstroke arms over 5m.
Demonstrate five consecutive breaststroke arm actions in a standing position.
Demonstrate frontcrawl arms over 5m.
Propel 10m, tread water for 60 seconds, receive an aid and float for further 60 seconds and propel to the furthest wall.
Demonstrate a kneeling dive.
Level 5
Demonstrate 15m dolphin action in a streamlined position.
Demonstrate 15m flutter kick on back in a streamlined position.
Kick 15m breaststroke in a streamlined position.
Demonstrate 15m flutter kick on front in a streamlined position.
Demonstrate five consecutive butterfly arm actions in a horizontal position.
Demonstrate backstroke arms over 10m.
Demonstrate breaststroke arms over 10m.
Demonstrate frontcrawl arms over 10m.
Scull 5m on back, feet first utilizing a figure of 8 action to move forwards with arms by side.
Demonstrate a standing dive.
Level 6
Demonstrate 25m dolphin action in a streamlined position.
Demonstrate 25m flutter kick on back in a streamlined position.
Kick 25m breaststroke in a streamlined position.
Demonstrate 25m flutter kick on front in a streamlined position.
Demonstrate butterfly arms over 15m.
Demonstrate backstroke arms over 15m.
Demonstrate breaststroke arms over 15m.
Demonstrate frontcrawl arms over 15m.
Scull 5m on front, head first utilizing a figure of 8 action to move forwards with arms extended.
Demonstrate a grab start.
Level 7
Demonstrate butterfly over 25m.
Demonstrate backstroke over 25m.
Demonstrate breaststroke over 25m.
Demonstrate frontcrawl with bilateral breathing over 25m.
Demonstrate 100m of continuous swimming utilising full stroke technique in any of the four strokes.
Demonstrate a frontcrawl tumble-turn.
Demonstrate a backstroke tumble-turn.
Scull 5m on back, feet first, utilizing a figure of 8 action to move forwards with arms extended above head.
Demonstrate 5m underwater undulation on front and back from a dive and backstroke start.